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We (Cathy and Michael) visited five companies in the following order. Stellar Distributors Ltd.
and Home Comfort Ltd. on March the 11th and Standards Distributors Ltd., Courts Ltd.
and American Stores Ltd. on March 18th. Unfortunately, we didn't get enough information and forms
to build DFD Diagrams for American Stores and Courts Ltd due to their refusal.

We used interview and observation with the other three companies due to the fact that most of
the businesses in Trinidad don’t like to take Questionnaires. Moreover, questionnaires are not
well suited for gathering information. We found out that we could ask open-ended questions to
make the person we interviewed relax and them ask them close-ended questions and end with a
request for any documents they had to support their answers and that are related to the questions asked.

This proved to be more effective than questionnaires but we still feel they held back a lot of
information from us. As a result, we had to call them to get more information when needed.
In addition we used observation to attempt to fill in the gaps created by the businesses we
interviewed. For example in Standards, even though we didn't get all the information we wanted,
we still got an opportunity to view their database to see some of the tables they use for their inventory.

Please contact cucmichaelphillips@hotmail.com
with your questions, comments, and suggestions.
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